Tuesday, July 7, 2015

back to basic

thank's God. I am still here.
I'm wondering where have i been in my life,
forgetting my precious person in myself, almost everybody.

I remembered someone said that when you are in the top of your life
like, ... you can do anything, you will forget God.

and you will back to God after you feel
you are nothing.

yeah, it happened to me but still
i am very grateful, for having a very big hearted God
thank's God and, i am back again to Closer to You
through ministry again.

hope this time could be better and truly, purely from You, for You


Friday, July 3, 2015

wow, it's been a very long time

thank's God i'm still here, i'm still breathing and writing. Haha.
after looking for some purpose to live, after looking for something to do wholehearted,
i found out that i love to reading and writing so i need to refresh this blog

Haha. Many things changed, many things become worse or better. in so many sections in my life.
dream and passion. But i'm too lazy to say it now, maybe i can write about it with longer post

next time,
But in this post i promise to myself to keep writing.
until? i don't know maybe until i'm finish (bored)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Last words !

thank's God pembelajaran E5 ini telah berakhir means, berakhirnya matkul Entrep ini :)
banyak suka duka yang dilalui setelah menyelesaikan pembelajaran ini :)

banyak yang saya dapat dari e1 hingga E-E -E selanjutnya :)
yang paling berkesan dari Esoc adalah belajar peduli dan "nggak mata duitan" mengejar untung
tapi bisa bahkan membuat CSR sendiri melalui event juga bisa peduli dengan masalah sosial yang ada

pembelajaran hidup tidak akan berhenti
justru setelah e-soc selesai dimulailah praktek yang sesungguhnya

trimakasih buat para pengajar dan teman-teman yang menginspirasi.
sampai jumpa di lain kesempatan

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Latepost!! Sorry!!

thank's God today is Your day!!
Mengingat betapa padatnya minggu ini saya sharing sedikit tentang Rabu kemarin
Now in Indonesian! Hahaha
Mengingat ini post terakhir yang di turn in !

Rabu lalu cukup salut dengan dosen yang datang memberikan sharing
Dan sangat mengapresiasi mereka yang menghargai ide kami dan mensupport

Dan hal yang mau saya sharingkan sebenarnya tentang acara kami.
cek blogspot kami ya ayosekolahrm.blogspot.con
Akan segera kami upload videonya

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Forgotten lesson..

thank's God for today and everyday...
and this is the part of forgotten lesson.

the only thing that i remembered about the 12th meeting on this class is
when Mr.Dewa watch and give ur critiques about our progress and for me it's quite fair
although Mr.Dewa don't say anything about our progress...
the score is .... (blank)
but thank you for the support :)

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Social Analytics, yay or nay?

thank's God for everything and busy life, before i write this,
the twelve reflection of this class is dissapear or there was not ?
- refleksi minggu ke 12 untuk mapel e sosial ini?

I try to remember what i get from last Wednesday,
last wednesday we talk about social analytics that is very important before we make program to society
after hear the news about big company program like lifebuoy or whatever that had program for
"washing hand" in small village to be a more healtier life is fail.

i don't know but the basic thing in that region - is like tradition is more than a year or years, we can't change people for our program, we must UNDERSTAND what they need not make them like robot, make our program success!

two thumbs up for all vast !! your sharing was amazing!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Getting serious , the power of deadline.

thank's God today is Wednesday and everything is gonna be more serious for iPositive !
( haha although only 2 persons HAVE BRAINS to THINK  in our group. my pardon. others have no contribution at all - I am mad now !! )

We were preparing events for Ayo Sekolah. the first event is : outdoor activity and the other is placed the next week is like gathering and appreciation for the students.

Wish we luck!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


thank's God for today and wednesday. Absolutely i was a little bit confused about the reaction of mr.Dewa, hahaha. Is him agree with our program or?

But i'm very appreciate other groups effort! Like fish company or what and about teathrical - reading campaign - their love their program. so i was motivated to do more.

that's all because i'm so confused about another task, remember me and shelvy are VCD so we need to not sleep and finish our task. GBU