Friday, July 26, 2013

Hello, it's Wednesday!

thank's God i can write in this blog again ( although with a little forced feeling )

* it's very challeging ! when i enter the class of social entrepreneur that day. Hahaha. and ... what's happened make me say that again with a louder voice. Before we know and understand...

what i've learn from that Wednesday class is about MEDIA and WORLD

- media can change the world, that what i get from the Malala video. And i remember about what Mr.Nur Agustinus said about STAND SPEAK ACT. and that children ( who is singing song about Malala ) already do that for the world. Yes, we are Malala. because we act.

- about the world, after know about MDG's and the problem that should be handled i choose education because education is very important for life. Can you live without know how to earn money? Can you earn money without know how to work? Can you work without know how to learn? argh that so annoy me world is so unfair , so i choose to more care about the education. I hope our group can work together.

that's all.
in the middle of Friday class.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

if murder people is not a sin . . .

thank's God it today and everyday that YOU HAVE MADE IS GOOD

i know i'm wrong and always unperfect
but thank you for sending me someone today
to say, " go to confession "
it make me remember that i m not perfect
no even a little and need to humble myself
to say to You, MEA CULPA.

-also thank You Lord ! -
for the shocking news for my whole family
thank you, You can open my mind to think clearly.
not to kill my brother at the sec. hhaaahahaa

this is my think-thinky
if there is nothing happen or revealed, there is no progress
when something wrong go up in the surface
God wants to heal and clean my family
thank you Jesus

i believe in You