thank's God today is today. and it's really a superb day, to be writing this again in the silent night, 9.30 PM here. not at 01.00 AM anymore. LOL
Talk about last Wednesday lesson ( i think, how amazing our lecturers are not bored to read all of our assignments like this, like story telling huh? - especially mine. with quiet bad english and cruel story)
i love that video. yes that about DOVE's campaign about see the other side of beauty. i'm as woman is very touched and the most important thing is RESPECT - such as, MY EYES WAS OPENED,- by that video. so that product can be remembered as product which is very "care" to woman. --- (the target market is woman right)
i think that's why, woman shop more than men, because woman is easy tricked (ah?) by marketing on emotion. very sensitive.
and the another inspirative things are piano stairs and fun garbage. OHH I WISH I CAN DO THAT AT INDONESIA. sombody!??!?! can i ? :(
and thank's God for the DOMPET DHUAFA for my people ! Hahha. God seems know and really understand my schedule and did not lead me in to Madiun
but a very long road to go.....~ VCD Typography Computer Graphic.bleh bleh bleh.. argh?!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
His Glory appears!
thank's God for today and let me sing just for You :)
You gave me hopeYou made me wholeAt the crossYou took my placeYou showed me graceAt the cross where You died for me
Chorus:And His glory appearsLike the light from the sunAge to age He shinesLook to the skiesHear the angels crySinging Holy is the Lord
You gave me hopeYou made me wholeAt the crossYou took my placeYou showed me graceAt the cross where You died for me
Chorus:And His glory appearsLike the light from the sunAge to age He shinesLook to the skiesHear the angels crySinging Holy is the Lord
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
i'm not swearing but this is the fact
dealing with your biggest fear is dangerous but fun. specially deal with your own feeling.
can you feel the pain, can you feel it partialy?
can you say, in the morning i become X
and the night i become Y
you can't separate your personality right?
and talk about heart
can you separate and setting your heart?
i will not falling in love again
yes i said that
but who knows,
where God brings you, let us say
maybe tommorow i meet someone
that can touch (or maybe broken) my heart
life is very certainly but i believe
choose for me
(with FIRST, discernment with God)
i'm not swearing but this is the fact
i avoid to falling in love
maybe 2-3 years again
i still focusing on my dream
you can see it soon..
Sunday, April 21, 2013
lupa caranya
thank's God it's today, although i really really feel empty and boredd!
this is the poem i make, also my diary :P
Lupa Caranya - forget how to .....
everybody falling in love, feel so sad also envy.
can love someone.
can trust HUMAN.
it's a hard thing for me after so many times fall in the same hole
i wish i can't forget the way i love, truly, someday
i wish i can't forget anything that always be the way i live happily
Let me sing, let me sing
Waste my Friday nite until dawn also Saturday whole day with
sleeping, listen to music, do record, lalala,
Give me comment !
Thursday, April 18, 2013
thank's God today is always great as always.!
(my friend, Clarissa. LOL FACES!)
Nah, duh,
the point is ... am i a bipolar?
Haha. sound funny! But i'm so moody, so confused with this..
all is messy.. my mind is too fuulllll fooooll !!
She is my friend too... watch that ! Hahahah
* Yes ter day i was doing my homework, Typography
and remember that was a program
Soundbooth from Adobe that make me possible
COVER THINGY. haha. sing a cover song
have any idea?,
wait for my action
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Fave song today!
thank's God ... always thank's God .. :)
i wanna share this song
and this is the translation (English)
The one road we always walked together
Splits in two and we go our separate ways
Clutching at my chest, overwhelmed with loneliness
Looking up at the sky still about to cry
I thought of you...
On these nights when you're not here
So no more cry, I won’t cry anymore
“I'm trying my best”, “I'm getting stronger”
You're looking at it too
The crescent moon that's about to disappear
“We're connected”, “I love you”
These days when I warm my freezing hands alone
I miss, I miss your warmth
No matter how often we said "I love you" on the phone
I can’t lean on you
I wiped away my tears…
On these nights when you're not here
Yeah, no more cry, I won’t cry anymore
“I'm trying my best”, “I'm getting stronger”
When will we meet again? Hanging onto the battery of our time up to now
I said one thing: “I love you”
On these nights when you're not here
So no more cry, I won’t cry anymore
“I'm trying my best”, “I'm getting stronger”
You're looking at it too
The crescent moon that's about to disappear
“We're connected”, “I love you”
I reached out my hands to the crescent moon, let my love reach you
this song is the song that i played more than 10 times
when i was at Emirates when go back to Jakarta or flight to Dubai
Today is a gift.
thank's God today is today and i am alive.
i will write the truth not only summary (like ms.Ianita said today)
*wake up at 9 AM and strongly suggested by my heart to absent in Wednesday class
lazy come lazy go~
but okay, i decide to avoid my laziness in extreme level haha LOL.
TODAY is a gift, so i wont waste my time to sleep (although i need to)
i learn a lot from today class.
after i watch video from Ms. Ianita (thanks to her)
my littly dream punch me again. i wanna go study aboard
i want to ! i want to meet so many personalities, so many people and culture
it will be fun! for share anything and get anything :D
@Ms.Ian please tell me how to become one hahaha.. (seriously not joking)
and about sustainibility . and smart city is so amazing yah! duh, i dreamt a lot about the smart city..
and my smart city model is Taiwan. why? almost everything we've dreamt today TAIWAN HAS IT (INCLUDE the wonderful toilet flush at Tokyo, miss.. i know that feeling when used warm toilet in the winter, last December :D)
in my opinion. smart is not enough to decribe the wonder city that Christ must be the centre of the city (although there are so many beliefs and religions, the kindness is the point)
not giving the best because we want other give us the best too. that is so NOT SOCIAL. but ... sound like "buy a heart" kinda?
-- i hope indonesia can be that city (country) :) someday
thank you people
please make every Wednesday CHEEERFUL. ahahah
goodjob lecturers!
i will write the truth not only summary (like ms.Ianita said today)
*wake up at 9 AM and strongly suggested by my heart to absent in Wednesday class
lazy come lazy go~
but okay, i decide to avoid my laziness in extreme level haha LOL.
TODAY is a gift, so i wont waste my time to sleep (although i need to)
i learn a lot from today class.
after i watch video from Ms. Ianita (thanks to her)
my littly dream punch me again. i wanna go study aboard
i want to ! i want to meet so many personalities, so many people and culture
it will be fun! for share anything and get anything :D
@Ms.Ian please tell me how to become one hahaha.. (seriously not joking)
and about sustainibility . and smart city is so amazing yah! duh, i dreamt a lot about the smart city..
and my smart city model is Taiwan. why? almost everything we've dreamt today TAIWAN HAS IT (INCLUDE the wonderful toilet flush at Tokyo, miss.. i know that feeling when used warm toilet in the winter, last December :D)
in my opinion. smart is not enough to decribe the wonder city that Christ must be the centre of the city (although there are so many beliefs and religions, the kindness is the point)
not giving the best because we want other give us the best too. that is so NOT SOCIAL. but ... sound like "buy a heart" kinda?
-- i hope indonesia can be that city (country) :) someday
thank you people
please make every Wednesday CHEEERFUL. ahahah
goodjob lecturers!
thank's God it's today and i'm still alive. Thank you for my Jehovah Jireh :)
It's 1.43 AM now and i am so sleepy. not very sleepy but sleepy enough to sleep haha LOL
This week (not this week but, for 5 days...) i feel so empty
yeah. so deeply empty
i lost in my own space
avoid to do praise and worship
i need to go somewhere
i need to rest for a while and stop
my ministries...
why Lord i feel so empty
although i know Your grace is never stopped.
do you ever feel the same?
do you ever feel not good enough for life
i am so confused and so blind
i need some silent
i need to cry out something from my heart
i know for nothing
wish this condition is about the effect
of my PMS only
i know the better thing is gonna happen
and i need to be grateful each day
thank you for my secret motivator
my cell group people that support me even they didn't know
that i have planned to resign to be a leader on that cell
because i think my schedule is make me stress
i need to scream
but all of their sharing and their anthusiasm make me
hear my heart say
and i believe i do anything not for nothing
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Brand oh brand
thank's God today is today, and this homework appears again!
Kapita Selekta - last Wednesday i chose, Branding by mr.Bastedo but he was at other city, so Mr. Michael Nathaniel come to fill that day theme. BRANDING
lil' bit dissapointed yah, because person who was come to kapita, was not the one i wish, Andreas Bastedo is very realistic and smart one
but thank's God again for whatever happened...
We talk about branding. Branding is how the company named the product, more than named but also "draw face" and being humanoid in the world of customers.
Kapita Selekta - last Wednesday i chose, Branding by mr.Bastedo but he was at other city, so Mr. Michael Nathaniel come to fill that day theme. BRANDING
lil' bit dissapointed yah, because person who was come to kapita, was not the one i wish, Andreas Bastedo is very realistic and smart one
but thank's God again for whatever happened...
We talk about branding. Branding is how the company named the product, more than named but also "draw face" and being humanoid in the world of customers.

so, we talked about starbucks, last wednesday, talk about how that brand become fenomenal and very friendly in the eyes of cafemania and coffeemania.!
beside the trick and tips to grow up the selling using brand name
we also talking about NAME types
: founder name
: deskriptif
: geographic
: funny - witty - jokes
: value
: made up - asal ajahh..
: initial
so much fun in this class, and the message i got, very helpful for my next project
Friday, April 5, 2013
Today, God face appeared ...
thank's God today is Friday, and i'm absent from PDKK (tough the format is First Friday Mass)
i still prefer to St.Aloysius Gonzaga church,
i miss TANTUM ERGO song so much..
and after the mass, i was chasing the pater.
Hardi (favorite one)
to have a confession...
but he fled. hahahaha.
i wish i can wake up tommorow 5AM.
brevir and confession wait for me :)
Thursday, April 4, 2013
what is friend?
(mood :boringly doing tasks, song-ing, reflecting)
what is friend? formal name for people who is always with us?
(i mean, people saw we often together)
or friend is just a status? formaly?
can someone part can be
replaced with other friend?
it's so -letter f-
decide what? fake.
so, i know i have no friend here.
i'm just pretend i have one, two or
how many do you like?
just pretend i have one
i know and i understand
there is so impossible to have friend that 24 hours
always by your side.
but where is respect?
i do not write this to show the whole world
that i am lonely or something
i just wanna write, not angry not crying
writing is good for express my mood
i guess..
all of this dissapointment
i let it go
and remember, my home is not here
but (see above)
We Are The Reason & Via Dolorosa Live 2013 by HSM
just saying
- Adakah melodi yang lebih indah dari percintaan?dan lebih munafik dari jatuh cintakala tatapan mata bertemu?malu senyum beradu?adakah yang lebih palsu?
dua tawa berbeda menjadi satudalam ke getaran frekuensiyang berujung pada frustasiKarena menanti juru kunciadakah yang lebih letih?
Menyusuri jalan apidengan lentera sunyi,seperti terpendamamarah dendam mengumpulBukan patah hatiTapi mencoret hati
Jangan lagi aku mencintaiJika tahu akhir adalah pedihBiar halang semuaBrentikan waktu sebelum kubertemubungkam asmara sebelum waktuSampai aku menjadi wanitaYang tak terkalahkan nafsu
this photo from journey from Taiwan,these are some "love message" from peopleand not far from there is a bellring once, wish for a soulmatering twice, with everlasting soulmatering third, for marriage peopleBe honest to me,all you need is lovewhether can break you into piecesand built a home in your heart
It's still silent here.
thank's God it's today, and You are always here.
I'm so alone without you Lord, ...
maybe my family, my friend, people who knew me (but not understand me) why and why
looks like everyday i'm very busy with service in community, in church, do devotion,
busy with tasks, homeworks, works, look so busy... (although it's not too busy like that)
i'm so alone,
so lonely,
so single and fragile without Lord.
So i chase His presence, in everywhere.
in everytime, i just wanna remember that He loves me
more than people who thinks they know me well, although i do know they well.
everyone wearring mask and i am terribly TIRED to tell other to put off their masks,
so i joined them to wear my own mask, and become fake everytime i love.
I'm so tired with this and thank you for His presence
i know that i belong to Him.
this world is evil. so i could put off all my accessories in this world and become
a daughter of light.
Today, Thursday, middle of night.
my God touch my heart
a heart that miss to cry at His shoulder.
I'm so alone without you Lord, ...
maybe my family, my friend, people who knew me (but not understand me) why and why
looks like everyday i'm very busy with service in community, in church, do devotion,
busy with tasks, homeworks, works, look so busy... (although it's not too busy like that)
i'm so alone,
so lonely,
so single and fragile without Lord.
So i chase His presence, in everywhere.
in everytime, i just wanna remember that He loves me
more than people who thinks they know me well, although i do know they well.
everyone wearring mask and i am terribly TIRED to tell other to put off their masks,
so i joined them to wear my own mask, and become fake everytime i love.
I'm so tired with this and thank you for His presence
i know that i belong to Him.
this world is evil. so i could put off all my accessories in this world and become
a daughter of light.
Today, Thursday, middle of night.
my God touch my heart
a heart that miss to cry at His shoulder.
and let's us camuflage again today...
Today lesson, fun finally!
thank's God today is Wednesday it's mean E4Social day!
Today is fully handed with Mr.Hendra and Mrs.xxxx sorry i forgot :(
because Mr.Hendra is speak 3/4 of the lesson.. :D
* The first story that catch my attetion is about a quiz, between mr.A, B, and C that had an interview to apply for salesman position in a company. But they must finish the test.
TO SELL, a COMB to the sifu (Bikhu) on Temple.
Oh what a impossible, because they are bold, no need for you a comb you know. hoho
But the result is,
A : can sell only 1 comb - just sell it like a sales.
B : 10 combs, tell the sifu that people on temple need that comb to make her or his hair not annoy the praying action
C : 1000! How? innovation, and he is using heart to sell, he tell the sifu that the temple (is the most famous-show he is very passionate with this test, choose the CORE target market) is full of people. what if the sifu give gift for them that quoted and signed with the sifu.
WOW. So, innovation is MORE THAN IMPORTANT. it's can make you (B and C) become a marketer. not only a sales. that sell, but think about "TRICK" to sell more than ever. and sustainable. not only for a single time.
* There are 3 steps. to analyze before entrance the BMYou and BMC or Business plan..
1. Identify your vision, mision and partner.
2. Value
3.People who are accept and appreciate your ideas and innovations.
* so many things i got from this week E4social...but the core is the different thing about... how to starts business is, from MY PASSION, not MY CUSTOMER.
Today is fully handed with Mr.Hendra and Mrs.xxxx sorry i forgot :(
because Mr.Hendra is speak 3/4 of the lesson.. :D
* The first story that catch my attetion is about a quiz, between mr.A, B, and C that had an interview to apply for salesman position in a company. But they must finish the test.
TO SELL, a COMB to the sifu (Bikhu) on Temple.
Oh what a impossible, because they are bold, no need for you a comb you know. hoho
But the result is,
A : can sell only 1 comb - just sell it like a sales.
B : 10 combs, tell the sifu that people on temple need that comb to make her or his hair not annoy the praying action
C : 1000! How? innovation, and he is using heart to sell, he tell the sifu that the temple (is the most famous-show he is very passionate with this test, choose the CORE target market) is full of people. what if the sifu give gift for them that quoted and signed with the sifu.
WOW. So, innovation is MORE THAN IMPORTANT. it's can make you (B and C) become a marketer. not only a sales. that sell, but think about "TRICK" to sell more than ever. and sustainable. not only for a single time.
* There are 3 steps. to analyze before entrance the BMYou and BMC or Business plan..
1. Identify your vision, mision and partner.
2. Value
3.People who are accept and appreciate your ideas and innovations.
* so many things i got from this week E4social...but the core is the different thing about... how to starts business is, from MY PASSION, not MY CUSTOMER.
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